We try and recycle the trikes we have funded in the past by offering them to
other children when they have outgrown them:

Julian and Lily:

Julian had his first go on the bike this afternoon and he is loving it!
Thank you so much for your kindness :slight_smile: We can’t wait for the countless
adventures he will have on it.

Julian’s Parents

From Imogen to Julian:

We are delighted that Julian has been able to use Imogen’s trike which was
funded by SCAMPPS in Surrey!

“Julian had his first go on the bike this afternoon and he is loving it! Thank you so much for your kindness 🙂 We can’t wait for the countless adventures he will have on it.”

Julian’s Parents

From Harrison to Lilly:

Lilly has been able to make use of Harrison’s Tomcat Trike funded for him 3
years previously and pass it onto a schoolmate.

“Thank you both so much for the trike, Lilly had a ride in it yesterday (will be adjusting the harness to fit better) and she loved it! Thanks for passing it on to her.”

Lilly’s Parents