Below is a list of some of the special educational needs school available locally to us in Surrey

Brooklands School

Brooklands is for children with severe learning difficulties from the age of 2. 27 Wray Park Road, Surrey, RH2 0DF. Telephone 01737 249 941

Dovers Green School

Dovers Green is a mainstream school with a special unit for approximately 16 children with varying degrees of physical and communication difficulties, aged 4-7. Located in Rushetts Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7RF. Telephone 01737 221 816.

Eastwick Infant School

Eastwick is a community school for children aged 4-7 which includes an integrated unit providing specialist support for children with complex needs. Located at Eastwick Drive, Great Bookham, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT23 3PP. Telephone 01372 453 672

Gosden House School

Gosden House caters for learners with complex learning difficulties aged 4-16. It is unusual in that it also offers residential education for up to 32 boarders. There are only girls in the secondary section.
Horsham Road, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 0AH. 01483 892008

Linden Bridge School

Linden Bridge is a day and residential school for pupils with autism ages 4-19. All pupils have a statement of special educational need. It has a boarding unit with 25 places that caters for pupils aged nine and upwards. Grafton Road, Worcester Park, Epsom, KT4 7JW, 020 8330 3009

The Children’s Trust School

The Children’s Trust School is a purpose built, residential non-maintained school for children aged 3 upwards with profound and multiple learning difficulties and complex medical needs. It is located at The Children’s Trust’s site, Tadworth, Surrey.

West Ewell Infant and Nursery School (language unit)

West Ewell Infant and Nursery School has a language unit for 15 children aged 4-7. Located on Ruxley lane, West Ewell, Surrey KT19 0UY. Telephone 020 8393 2417

Woodlands School

Woodlands is for children with severe learning difficulties from the age of 2. Located at Fortyfoot Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8RY. Telephone 01372 377 922

For more information on any of the schools above, or to find others in the area please see the Surrey County Council website under Schools and Learning.